Welcome To The Game

Welcome To The Game!

The purpose of this website is to help us both play our very best in the game of life.

The Confidence Game is the game we play with each other every minute of our lives. In this game, how we distribute our limited attention, labor and capital (material resource$) to other players determines the structures, institutions, professions and trends of our civilization. The game is played on a rounded game board called Earth with a variety action pieces we call Nature. The object of the game is to act, to exist in a way, that you feel will provide future players, you and your friend’s children, an even funner & richer experience of living.

Playing the game together


As players we often feel insignificant and isolated in the vast field of play we call “society” but in reality our every action, our every expenditure, our every intention is connected to every other player on the globe through a matrix of economical and ecological interdependence. All these interdependencies have their own groups of players (bankers, politicians, accountants, etc) who track, map and gamble on our patterns of action! The difference between a future of tyranny and extreme economic / ecologic injustice and a sustainable / regenerative wisdom society lies in how we all play the game over this one lifetime alone!

Pen vs Sword

For those of you who doubt your power as a single member of a 6.8 billion member collective to effect significant change let me remind you that energy / potential is rarely, if ever, distributed evenly in the universe. What that means is If you are reading this you are by inheritance, ingenuity or chance a highly ranked player in the tournament of civilization. It might not seem like that but if you have internet access in a country wit a central banking system and an infrastructure you are in upper half of the field and have considerable influence on out outcome of societal trends (economic, environmental, political, spiritual). If you are living in a so-called first world nation such as the US, Canada, The UK, etc you are in the upper 15 percentile, or the top tier of Confidence Game players. The top tier of course is the top because of the greater influence / responsibility / potential this group of individuals possesses.

Wealth MapThis data is '01. now its more concentrated

Not only is civilization structured as a game, life is as well. The difference between living an inspired life and a life of perspiration is in the attitude of the player. Herein lies the key to how ‘the many’ support the lavish and indulgent lives of ‘the very few’ bankers, celebs, politicians and holy-men residing in the ivory towers of society.

If I believe the universe is generally beneficent (producing order, beauty and prosperity) I must believe in your fundamentally beneficent nature being as you a child of the universe as well. This belief in you mandates that i live my life in a way that inspires trust, builds community relations and promotes cooperation toward common interests.

One of billions of galaxies.. I believe beneficence is the default program in nature.

The key to understanding all that we hate, fear and revile in society lies in knowing that it is the attitude we approach life with collectively that makes the difference between war, tyranny and injustice and peace, sustainability and justice. We are the only center of power we need to focus on because all the fictitious centers of power (corporations, unions, governments, banks, etc) exist as a byproduct of the shared patterns of interest, labor and investment that all of us share. ‘The powerful’ only exist because we unknowingly give them our confidence, our power, in a myriad of ways, to be collected and redirected back at us.

Monopoly is THE best selling game in history... Why??

Since I can only be so effective in society by myself it’s become my main objective to help other members of the collective remember that power is a direct extension of each of us. If I play life with fear and general mistrust i would look for ways to hoard resources, exploit others and hide my methods. If I play with confidence I trust that others will do the equitable thing when educated and offered opportunity to be of service to others. Our current predicaments extend from our fundamental trust in authority not being extended from authority back to the masses and not being extended from ourselves to our local community.

A revolution is by definition the return of trust and abundance to the people from the so called elite or Illuminati. In essence we have sculpted a “pay it back with interest” society schema without enough “pay it forward in trust” counterbalance.

The purpose of The Confidence Game site, book and film is to give you the same fundamental understanding of the pieces, layout and mechanics of the game of society (The Confidence Game) that the so-called elite / Illuminati possess and then go beyond it to the truth they cannot bear to face…. that they are the symptom of poor health, not the fruit of fertility .

We are the Illuminati!

This site will also serve as my persona blog to share articles, ideas  the work of others while the larger book and movie shape up.

Play on Playa,

Yours in the Game,

Paul Chek, Jr



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